Free Library Receives Digital Pioneer Award

By Michelle S. RSS Mon, August 1, 2011

Following up on our recent post about some of the Library’s coolest online resources, we’re excited to announce that the Free Library has won the OverDrive Digital Pioneer Award! The award is given to institutions that show excellence and leadership in delivering digital media to the community.

It helps that our community loves using digital media! After all, our customers have downloaded our author podcasts more than a million times. Our ebooks circulate at a fantastic rate, and our Freegal music-download service is also very popular.

We’re proud to have won this award, and we’re thankful that so many of our customers enjoy and appreciate our digital resources.

-David L., Foundation communications intern

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This blog is pretty cool. It's a shame people in Center City don't use the library and its resources more. Frank L. DeFazio
Monday, August 1, 2011

Why are the books mis-shelved? Is there something I'm missing here? I've noticed this for almost a year now. Temporary peobelem due to inventory issues? Temporary problem due to lack of staff? Permanent problem due to what? Please advise. F
FM - Chestnut Hill
Monday, August 1, 2011

Please submit your question using our e-reference form: A staff member will get back to you as soon as possible!
Monday, August 1, 2011

I'am very happy for you and try to stay on the same path and you gonna have another award!
Abbie Mark - New York
Tuesday, August 2, 2011