Posts in “around-the-web” (6)

Blog Articles

Keeping You and the Kids Busy While Social Distancing

While we all practice social distancing with schools and libraries closed for at least two weeks to help flatten the curve of COVID-19 , what exactly are you (and your kids!) going to do with yourself? A lot of us have to-be-read piles stacked in tottering piles and a to-do list of tasks around the house that we may have been putting off for a… continue reading Keeping You and the Kids Busy While Social Distancing

By written by Jennifer E.    March 25, 2020    1  

Banned Books Week | Internet Censorship and Banned Websites Awareness Day

Not only does Banned Books Week celebrate and advocate for the fREADom to express and share all types of knowledge of the written word, but also raises awareness of another type of censorship that takes place—the overly restrictive blocking of legitimate, educational websites and academically useful social networking tools in schools and… continue reading Banned Books Week | Internet Censorship and Banned Websites Awareness Day

By written by Peter SM    September 26, 2018   

Rally to Save Net Neutrality and Open Internet for All!

Welp, here we go again... This is what could happen if there are no Net Neutrality laws. Remember Net Neutrality ? If not, here's a refresher: In its simplest terms, Net Neutrality is the basic principle that prohibits internet service providers from speeding up, slowing down, or blocking any content, applications, or websites you want to… continue reading Rally to Save Net Neutrality and Open Internet for All!

By written by Peter SM    December 8, 2017    1  

Yes, I Do Know How to Find Great New Music

My dad was a radio DJ when I was a kid and thereby instilled in me a fierce love of music. As far back as my days of wearing footie pajamas I preferred partaking of his vast vinyl collection to playing with my own toys. When I was in college, my 1980 Toyota Corolla had a state-of-the-art Alpine stereo system (and… continue reading Yes, I Do Know How to Find Great New Music

By written by Kim B.    March 11, 2016   

Around the Web: The Hunger Games Edition

Let's go "Around the Web" and check out all the excitement over the next film installment in Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games trilogy, Catching Fire ! First and foremost, watch the epic and awe-inspiring trailer below (which if you are a fan, you have probably already watched dozens of times since it first went online in… continue reading Around the Web: The Hunger Games Edition

By written by Peter SM    November 22, 2013    3