Telephone numbers for Supporters to call

By Kathleen RSS Wed, September 16, 2009

If the Pennsylvania Senate does not pass House Bill 1828 by Friday morning, September 18, the City of Philadelphia will issue layoff notices to 3,000 employees, including most of the staff of the Free Library of Philadelphia. The latest word is that the Senate may meet tomorrow (Thursday) to discuss and possibly vote on the bill. But it also may be delayed until next week.

As news of the possibility of the entire library system shutting down on October 2 spreads to a national audience, we are receiving calls from people all over the country (and some from overseas as well), asking for the contact information of our legislative leaders so that they can call them and urge a vote on the bill on Thursday. Here are three highly requested telephone numbers for the senate leaders and the governor's office (none are automated during the day—they are answered by a staff member).

Dominic Pileggi (R), Senate Majority Leader:  (717) 787-4712

Robert Mellow (D), Senate Minority Leader: (717) 787-6481

Governor Edward Rendell: (717) 787-2500


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Hello, to begin, I apologize, because this is not regarding the post, but I wanted to contact someone from the blog. My name is Dmitriy, and I am an intern at Mighty Writers, a non-profit tutoring center in Philadelphia. We are currently looking to get the word out so that we can get more volunteers, more sponsors, and eventually be able to open more centers around the city. This is the rough information, and I wanted to see if you could possibly blog about our great organization so that people could be aware and could possibly help us in any way, (if only to add us on facebook) Mission Statement: Mighty Writers is a coalition of Philadelphia nonprofit writing centers providing one-on-one instruction for students' writing-related needs in fun, neighborhood-based locations. We believe that the development of writing skills facilitates a community consciousness in students and that focused, one-on-one instruction can transform neighbors into mentors and neighborhoods into dynamic learning spaces. Mighty Writerd appreciates any help you can give. Thanks, Dmitriy Marchenko
Dmitriy Marchenko - Phildelphia
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dmitriy Marchenko - Phildelphia
Thursday, September 17, 2009

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Monday, September 21, 2009

It is so sad that there's a possibility that this entire library system shutting down. Hope that this issue would be discuss and comes up with a good agreement.
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