Library Usage Highlighted on Today Show

By Shannon G RSS Thu, June 11, 2009

This morning, NBC’s Today Show explored the current state of libraries across the country—much like the Free Library of Philadelphia, the libraries profiled in the segment are experiencing an increase in traffic, a growing demand for computer access, and reduced hours, days of service, and budgets.

In times of economic strain and job loss, do you use your local library differently? Do you check out DVDs from the Library instead of paying to rent movies at national rental chains? Do you borrow career guidebooks, attend résumé-writing workshops, or apply for jobs using the Library’s computers or wireless access?

Check out the clip below for how libraries truly are the lifeline of communities across the country and let us know how you use your library!


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68% of all Americans have library cards. That is so amazing. 2500 customers a day even required some libraries to hire a security guard company to provide crowd control. Seattle Security Guards
Friday, September 4, 2009