Meet Your Library Staff: Omelio Alexander - Digital Resource Specialist

By Administrator RSS Mon, July 23, 2018

In our ongoing series of blog posts highlighting our awesome staff throughout the Free Library of Philadelphia, today we take some time to speak with Omelio Alexander - Digital Resource Specialist...

What is your role with the Free Library of Philadelphia?
I am a Digital Resource Specialist, responsible for helping people navigate public computers, gain computer literacy, and access resources. Specifically, I am in charge of the Job Readiness Lab, an area dedicated to helping people find work.

What do you wish more people knew about the library where you work?
I wish more people knew that we were open. A suprising number of people come in and tell us they didn't know we were open. I also wish that more people recognized that the Tiebrary, our tie-lending library, was for borrowing at Paschalville Library. The idea is still so novel that people don't always inquire why they are there. The ones who do ask assume they are for sale.

What is the most satisfying aspect of your job?
The most satisfying aspect of my job is having people come in and let me know that they have found a job or that they have been having more success with the changes we have made to their resume.

What are you currently reading/watching?
I am currently getting ready to read The Shadow Speaker by Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu and I have recently started the Dragon Ball series from the beginning, binge-watching until I get to the current incarnation.


Where’s your favorite place to read in Philly?
My favorite place to read is at home where I have a lot of room to spread out, but I'm also comfortable reading just about anywhere.

Do you have a favorite librarian or other Free Library staff member at your neighborhood library you think we should shine a spotlight on? Let us know in the comments!

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