#ThrowbackThursday: Revisiting Little Women

By Alicia T. RSS Thu, July 13, 2017

I have a confession to make about Little Women...

I first fell in love with the 1994 movie starring Winona Ryder and Susan Sarandon, as opposed to the book.

The movie propelled me to read the book for the first time, and while I enjoyed (and still enjoy!) the movie, the book is so much better!

I have another confession to make—I’ve never really stopped reading Little Women. It’s one of those few, special books that has always been on my bookshelf. I’ve read it probably once a year since that first reading. It’s a book that brings me comfort and hope, and reminds me to slow down and enjoy life.

That may seem like a lot for a book that was written in 1868, but I think so much of the charm and fun in this book is timeless. From the relationships between all of the characters, the discussions of struggling to be a good person, trying to figure out what does being a good person mean, and the sorrow of losing someone you love or having your heart broken. These topics are just as relevant and thought-provoking today. Seeing how Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy grow and change and learn how to deal with being an adult is still funny, wonderful, and at times, sad. Having Marmee there to help all of the characters find their paths in life and be a sounding post for all of their trials and joys is a wonderful portrayal of parenthood that, to me, can be applied to all types of relationships. I hope I’m half as good of a friend as Marmee is a mother.

If you’re looking for a book that will make you feel a range of emotions and that features strong female characters, take a look at Little Women, and maybe you’ll come to love it too. And be on the lookout for the new Masterpiece Theater adaptation of Little Women coming in 2018. Angela Lansbury will be playing Aunt March – I can’t wait!

Check back each Thursday throughout the summer as we re-read and reflect on our old favorites!

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Little Women was given to me as a gift as a young girl. I simply inhaled it; and ever since, it has contributed to my idea of what a good family should be. Jo was my favorite character - she was intelligent, curious, and not one to accept the boundaries of what a good young lady of her time was supposed to be.
Ann Watkins - Overbrook
Wednesday, August 9, 2017