Free Library in the News: May 11-15, 2015

By Samantha M. RSS Fri, May 15, 2015

Words at Play Vocabulary Initiative at FLP
Audio clip


Sen. George Mitchell: The Negotiator
Former Senator GEORGE MITCHELL accomplished the Herculean task when after years of negotiations, he crafted the Good Friday Agreement in 1998. (appeared 5/11)


Sundays on Stage at the Free Library of Philadelphia: Brave Little Tailor
With expressive masks, life-size puppets, original music and imaginative scenic effects, Enchantment Theatre Company brings this beloved story to life in its uniquely magical way!


Will the city’s arts scene get a mayor who cares?
"I just don't buy the argument that there's no money," says Leslie Anne Miller, a philanthropist and member of the board of directors of the Free Library of Philadelphia. "Money can always be found when something is deemed a priority, when it is important to the leadership.


Free Library of Philadelphia launches Vocabulary Initiative for Underprivileged Kids
CBS Philly
Outside the Cecil B. Moore neighborhood library in North Philadelphia, the vocabulary words of the day were written in chalk on the sidewalk…..shadow, texture, whistle and neighborhood. The words were worked into songs, crafts and were included in books that were given to the children.


Framing Fraktur: Word & Image
But the value of fraktur is more than just a Pinteresting bargain bin find, as the collective exhibitions and conference of Framing Fraktur aim to illustrate. The Free Library, not normally the site one would think to visit for thought-provoking contemporary art, has turned its galleries into just that by curating its exhibition towards understanding how the intricacies of fraktur and its vernacular combination of word and image, form and craft exist in the modern artist’s practice.


Once upon a time… /Northeast Times
The may­or’s of­fice cited Horn­bach’s work with chil­dren and the dis­abled dur­ing the Dilworth Award present­a­tion. Cre­ated by the Nut­ter ad­min­is­tra­tion sev­er­al years ago, the awards “re­cog­nize the con­tri­bu­tions of out­stand­ing city em­ploy­ees whose work per­form­ance em­bod­ies ex­cel­lence in pub­lic ser­vice.”


The Raven Society Hosts Rooftop Biergarten on top of Parkway Central Library
The Philadelphia Free Library’s Central Library is an iconic building, which you’ve most likely been in, but have you ever been on top of it? The Raven Society is giving you that chance in a rooftop biergarten party on the Skyline Terrace to support the Library.


Angelo Cataldi and the Morning Team
George Bodenheimer interview (appeared 5/12)


Education and Outreach New & Review
PCMS expanded its partnership with the Free Library of Philadelphia with a pilot program this year, bringing chamber music to students in after-school programs at two neighborhood branches—Wyoming and Lillian Marrero—and to over 300 children at the central branch. The Dalí Quartet gave a grand tour of Latin chamber music, involving the students in clapping its complex rhythms and listening for how themes were passed between each artist as they played.


Top 5 Events: Experience the Arts
This intriguing exhibition is one of two held by the Free Library as part of their Framing Fraktur event, a three-month celebration of the manuscript art made by German immigrants known as Fraktur. This particular exhibit displays drawings, paintings, woodblock prints, and embroideries by seven international artists who created their work to convey their respective cultures.


The Strange Afterlife of Edgar Allan Poe’s Hair
In addition to the collection in Baltimore, the New York Public Library has a lock of his hair, acquired in 1938, while the Philadelphia Free Library is home to a strange miniature of Poe, painted on ivory, that also contains some of his prized hair. Given this fact, one wonders how much hair still remained when Edgar Allan Poe was buried.


Leading Voices: George Bodenheimer at Free Library
Video clip (Bodenheimer appeared 5/13)


Inventors rock out
Tonight (Thursday) at 6:30 p.m. , the marketing guru behind the “Everyday Edisons” TV series (“as seen on PBS”) and its for-profit  product licensing/marketing wing Edison Nation  will talk about what  makes a great invention, in a presentation at the Free Library of Philadelphia.


Business news in brief
On Thursday at 6:30 p.m., Everyday Edisons TV show producer and gizmo marketer Louis Foreman will talk about what makes a great invention, in a presentation at the Central Library of the Free Library of Philadelphia on Logan Square.

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