Job Seeker Workshop at Mercy Ministries Hotspot

By Scott P. RSS Fri, October 31, 2014

A new job seeker workshop has started at Mercy Neighborhood Ministries. Every Wednesday, Digital Resource Specialist Osbia Jones assists job seekers in creating an account on JobScout, an online learning library that teaches digital literacy through the process of applying for a job. The one-hour workshop covers beginning to advanced topics; students can start with a topic that interests them or at a level of material that matches their digital skills.

Much of the material on JobScout covers what’s necessary to find a job in todays digital world: using a search engine, professional email etiquette, career-oriented social networking on Twitter and Facebook, and finding “gig” employment on Elance and TaskRabbit. The website can also be utilized to compose a resume document or to search for employment opportunities within a designated area.

Participants in the class, many of them regular visitors to the Mercy Ministries Hotspot, have been particularly interested in leveraging social network sites and learning about new places to apply for work online. 

The class will continue throughout the fall on Wednesday at 4 p.m. For more information contact:

Osbia Jones

Mercy Neighborhood Ministries
1939 W. Venango Street

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I am seeking employment.
Shaquille Coleman-Young - Philadelphia Pa
Tuesday, May 22, 2018