When a Blog becomes a Book

By Camille T. RSS Thu, December 5, 2013

In 2011, the Nielsen Company (famous for gathering TV viewership with the “Nielsen ratings”) produced a study that said there were over 181 million blogs in existence, and that number rose by 36 million from 2006. Yeah, that’s a lot of blogs and it seems like the numbers are growing, daily. But as we know, some blogs are more popular than others. The most popular blogs (according to Technorati) these days are The Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Business Insider, The Verge, Mashable!, Gawker and TMZ.com, but those are “business” blogs, meaning a company is backing them.

I’ve always been interested in personal blogs, written by one or a few people sharing their ideas, life, or interests. Some of these personal blogs gain a huge following and popularity that takes on a life outside of the cyber world and into the publishing world. Here are a few books which started or at least were inspired by their blogs:


The Sartorialist
by Scott Schuman

Scott Schuman is a fashion photographer who posts photos of fashionable people on the street in different cities around the world on his blog. His book is a collection of his favorite photos.
I Was Told There'd Be Cake
by Sloane Crosley

Sloane Crosley started a blog called "I Was Told There'd Be Cake", which depicted her often funny life in the city. This book is a collection of essays from the blog.
Texts From Last Night: All The Texts No One Remembers Sending
by Lauren Leto

Texts From Last Night (TFLN) is a blog where users submit funny, shocking,  and sometimes sad text messages sent or received by them. This book is a collection of the best texts from the blog which will certainly make you LOL.
Stuff White People Like: The Definitive Guide to the Taste of Millions
by Christian Lander

The satirical blog Stuff White People Like (SWPL) is a blog "devoted to stuff that white people like" as stated boldly in the blog description. The popular blog has over 97 million hits and the book lists various entries from the blog.
PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives
by Frank Warren

PostSecret is a blog where strangers mail in their "secrets" written on postcards, which are then scanned and posted on the blog. The secrets are often sad, funny, and shocking. This book is a collection of some of the secret that have been posted on the website.
Sh*t My Dad Says
by Justin Halpern

Well this book didn't start as a blog, it actually started on Twitter. Justin Halpern moved back in with his parents and started tweeting random things his father said. It's a pretty funny book of the best tweets.
Humans of New York
by Brandon Stanton

Humans of New York is a photoblog posting various street photography in New York City. The book is a collection of various photos from the website and showcases various views of the Big Apple.

To view more books based on blogs, visit this booklist. Do you have any favorite blogs you'd like to see adapted into books? Please share in the comments!

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