LibraryReads! Recommended new titles for October

By Anne L. RSS Mon, September 16, 2013

LibraryReads is back with its second monthly list of recommended new titles that will be published during October.  Public librarians from all across the country are reading copies of new titles before they are published (yes, a perk!) and sharing with you each month the top ten titles that they think are interesting, provocative, and worth your time to read.  This month's list includes another great mix of new books, some by names you will recognize, but also first time authors.  Fiction titles, for sure, but also two nonfiction titles, including my personal pick:  Hunting Season:  Immigration and Murder in an All-American Town.  This book, which describes the murder by a group of teens of an undocumented Ecuadorian immigrant on Long Island, struck a cord with me because of all the discussion going on right now about immigration.  As a librarian, I especially appreciated how the author, a former New York Times reporter, highlights the important work that staff at the Patchogue Medford Public Library played in identifying and addressing the fears and needs of these new residents.  

The #1 pick this month is on a lighter side than my choice: The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion, which is supposed to be hilarious.  Here's what Paulette Brooks, a librarian from the Elm Grove Public Library, Wisconsin had to say about it:  "Don Tillman, a brilliant geneticist, thinks that having women fill out a six-page, double-sided questionnaire before a date is logical and reasonable. Rosie Jarman, an impetuous barmaid, thinks Don should loosen up and learn to live a little. Follow the unlikely pair in this laugh-out-loud, feel-good story of unexpected joys, discovery and love."

These books have not yet been published, but you can go ahead and put your name on the holds list now for anything that sounds appealing.  It will get to you faster once we actually have the copies, and if there are many holds, it will help us gauge how many more copies to buy!  Click here to read short summaries of why librarians wanted you to know about these titles in the October list of LibraryReads:

October's list of top LibraryReads:

The Rosie Season by Graeme Simsion 

Longbourn:  a Novel by Jo Baker  

The Lowland: A Novel by Jhumpa Lahiri  

 Cartwheel: A Novel by Jennifer duBois   

Hawthorn & Child by Keith Ridgeway 

The Stop: How the Fight for Good Food Transformed a Community and Inspired a Movement by Nick Saul & Andrea Curtis 

We Are Water: A Novel by Wally Lamb  

 The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

The Tilted World: A Novel by Tom Franklin & Beth Ann Fennell   

Hunting Season: Immigration and Murder in an All-American Town by Mirta Ojito  

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