Find Summer Reading Booklists Instantly In Our Online Catalog

By Peter SM RSS Wed, June 12, 2013

Online Summer Reading is in full swing right now here at the Free Library with kids, teens, and adults from all over Philadelphia reading as much as they can all summer long to meet our 20-Million-Minute Challenge goal!

For school-aged children from grades K - 12, we've partnered with The School District of Philadelphia on reccommended summer reading lists. This year, you can find those booklists and titles easier than ever before as we've integrated them into a special featured tab on our main online catalog page.

Just click on the tab for your appropriate grade level, scroll through the book covers and titles displayed, and then click on the book you want to read.


You'll then be taken to the catalog page for that book where you can view its availability and place a hold on it to check it out!

Online Summer Reading program runs from June 1st through August 31st, 2013.
For more information call 215 686-5372 or visit

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I am excited to begin the summer reading program with my sons.
Kendra - Philadelphia
Friday, June 14, 2013