Have a Laugh; It's National Humor Month : D

By Peter SM RSS Fri, April 26, 2013

"Humor is mankind's greatest blessing." - Mark Twain

Did you know that besides being National Poetry Month and some other unique "holidays" such as National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day (April 2nd) and National High Five Day (April 18th), that April is also National Humor Month?

Well, it must be true, I read it on the Internet! ; P

Here's a "Friday Five" of humorous books available at Free Library, from smart and sarcastic to side-splitting slapstick, that have put a wry smile on my face and made me LOL.

What I'd Say To The Martians What I'd Say To The Martians
by Jack Handey

Some of the most bizarre, out-there, laugh-out-loud non sequiturs and essays I have ever read. These are the writings of one of America's greatest humorists or the ramblings of a madman. Or both.

Our Dumb Century Our Dumb Century
by The Onion

Presented by "America's Finest News Source", prepare to read some of the most absurd, ridiculous, silly, and of course completely fabricated stories and headlines from satirical news publication The Onion. A collection of some of the sharpest satire currently around and the quintessential parody paper of record.

Brain Droppings Brain Droppings
by George Carlin

Master of the monologue and the turn of a phrase, George Carlin was a philosopher in comedian's clothing. A smart, provocative, and wildly hilarious collection of essays, monologues, observations, and jokes that you'll read, re-read, and try to quote to make your friend's think you are smart and funny.

Cat's Cradle Cat's Cradle
by Kurt Vonnegut

Scathing, satirical commentary from the humorist heir apparent to Mark Twain. Vonnegut's 1963 subversive science fiction novel takes jabs at the cold war, the atom bomb, technology, and theology with a crazy cast of characters. Dark humor at its finest.

In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash
by Jean Shepherd

Jean Shepherd's voice of midwestern Americana and nostalgia are the perfect narration for some of the funniest childhood stories you'll ever read. Some of the passages in this book were the basis for the holiday movie classic "A Christmas Story".

Search our catalog to find more items under the subject "humor" or "comedy".
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please sign me into getting such books
Anne pulling - Dallas, Pa
Friday, November 7, 2014