Teen Poetry Slam!

By Daniel S. RSS Tue, March 5, 2013

Every year, teen poets and spoken word artists come together to blow us away with their words and performances-- Teen Poetry Slam returns to the Free Library on Friday, April 5!

If you’re coming out to perform, this is what you have to know:
• Performers must attend a high school within the Philadelphia city limits.
• Performers must be prepared to present twice.
• Poems must be performed, not read.
• Performances are limited to 1 ½ minutes.
• No props or audio
• Keep it clean!
• Registration is open NOW: e-mail teenpoetry@freelibrary.org or call 215-686-5415 
• Registration deadline is April 1, 2013, at 5:00 p.m. 
Prizes: 1st Prize: $150, 2nd Prize: $100, 3rd Prize: $75.
If you’re coming out to listen, here’s what you need to know: Philadelphia teens can bring it! If you have never attended Teen Poetry Slam before, make this the year you come out. Having attended three years in a row I never cease to be amazed at the level of talent and passion that appears on that stage.  Mark your calendar -- April 5, 3:30 p.m.  You will not be disappointed.

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