Watch Mimi Stillman perform in the library!

By Perry G. RSS Fri, December 14, 2012

If you’re a fan of the Free Library’s Music Department on Facebook, you already know about the rousing pop-up performance Mimi Stillman gave us on Tuesday, November 13th

As part of her ambtious Syrinx Journey project – in which Stillman, a Yamaha Recording Artist, plays Claude Debussy’s Syrinx every day for a year – Mimi walked up to the balcony of the Music Department, unpacked her flute, and serenaded the unsuspecting public.  Everyone looked up from their books and screens to find the source of the music drifting from above. Check out the video below!

Mimi Stillman was the youngest wind player ever admitted to the Curtis School of Music at age 12, and currently leads the Dolce Suono Ensemble.  She’s recorded for EMI, played with the Philadelphia Orchestra, and has even recorded a film score with Kevin Bacon, among many other accolades.  The Music Department was pleased she chose them as the venue for her 81st performance.

You can read more about her meeting with the Music Department – and see where she’s at with her Syrinx Journey project – over on her blog.

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