Read a New Book Month, Free Library Style!

By Alix G. RSS Wed, December 12, 2018

December is Read a New Book Month, and we at the Free Library are all about reading new books (and old books, and re-reading new and old books, and listening to books, and talking about books … but I digress). So we asked some of our intrepid librarians and staff to tell us how they choose their next, new read, and herewith their terrific tips:

“My first go-to for choosing a new book is the Free Library’s Author Events lineup! There’s always an awesome variety of new fiction, nonfiction, and even poetry. I also check out the Friends of the Free Library Book Corner, where I pet cats and peruse the shelves. Historical nonfiction is my favorite genre, and Author Events and the Book Corner never disappoint!” - Kalela, Division of Cultural and Civic Engagement



"I get a lot of great recommendations from the monthly Library Reads postings. One of my next reads will be How Long 'til Black Future Month? by N. K. Jemisin. The title alone piques my interest and I’ve heard a lot of buzz about how great the collection of short stories is. For science fiction fans and people with limited time who want to feel a sense of accomplishment, this might be a great read for you too. Read a short story a week!" - Camille, Web Development






"When I’m picking a new book, I go to my Overdrive app and see what books the Free Library has for me, for free! I can get specific with what I’m looking for—fiction or nonfiction (fiction, mostly), genre (fantasy, science fiction, or historical fiction), and format (ebook). I scroll through my electronic bookshelf until I see something with good reviews, a familiar author’s name, and yes, a compelling cover." - Liz, Culinary Literacy Center

"I usually have a stack of lonely books that sit on my desk for months patiently awaiting their turn to be read, all the while plaguing me with guilt. They’re great books that lots of people have recommended to me, but they usually get bumped if I hear about a new cutesy LGBT YA romance!" - Kristina, Parkway Central Children’s 


"I always have a bunch of options—as in 20 or more on my bedside table and a bunch waiting on my Kindle that I snap up when I see stuff on super sale. But sometimes all that is too many options, and I can't settle in on one for a few days. I'll start 4 or 5 of these books-in-waiting, sometimes, until one grabs me and I want to spend real time in its world. Sometimes I'll eventually go back to the failed starts, but plenty of them I never pick up again. Other times, it's easier to figure out what to pick—a book from my holds list has come in, and I want to read it and return it for the next reader as soon as I can." - Joel, Strategic Initiatives




"Word of mouth, a pending event, a great review, FOMO typically drive my selection of a new book. Reading Tony Hoagland’s recent obituary, I snorted at a passage he wrote and realized there was a hole on my shelf where his poems should be. I jumped online and browsed his titles then bought (how could I not) Unincorporated Persons in the Late Honda Dynasty. Now I’m seeing his lines everywhere and missing someone I never knew." - Andy, Author Events






What about you? How do you choose a new book? Tell us in the comments below, browse our catalog for new titles, and don’t forget to share what you’re tackling for Read a New Book Month!

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