Free Library in the News: October 27-31, 2014

By Samantha M. RSS Fri, October 31, 2014

The Kids Of Ramonita de Rodriguez Branch Of The Library Say: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
As part of the Free Library of Philadelphia‘s most excellent MakerJawn program — which puts together kids with artists, engineers, designers, and thinkers to inspire creativity — the kids of theRamonita de Rodriguez Branch got together with artist Andrew Jeffrey Wright and made this super cute Halloween video (with soundtrack by “Jason of Kensington”).


New data will help draw detailed portrait of city's out-of-school time programs
The Notebook
The draw on a recent day at the Blanche A. Nixon/Cobbs Creek Library was the hoopla -- cake and cookies, balloons, and presentations to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the library’s citywide Literacy Enrichment Afterschool (LEAP) program. LEAP is a free drop-in program for students in kindergarten through 12th grade. According to the library, LEAP serves about 70,000 children and youth a year and offers employment to teens, who help lead programs as TLAs -- teen leadership assistants.


LEAP 25th Anniversary
Westside Weekly
This week’s edition ran a story on the LEAP 25th anniversary celebration at Cobbs Creek; The digital edition has not been made live yet, but the above link will take you to the site where it will eventually appear.


HHS Secretary to Philly residents with Obamacare plans: review, update, enroll
Speaking at the Free Library of Philadelphia, Burwell commended Mayor Michael Nutter and others in the region for their efforts in helping sign up more than 100,000 people for health coverage this past year. 

Starting from scratch
Philadelphia Inquirer
The new commercial kitchen at the Free Library of Philadelphia is, by far, the most beautiful, tricked-out kitchen in which I've ever cooked.


Drexel Students cook cranberry sauce at the Free Library
Action New / 6 ABC
This clip aired Tuesday evening and spotlighted Drexel students who stopped by the CLC to make cranberry sauce for Project Home.


Drexel students visit Culinary Literacy Center
This clip aired also Tuesday evening and spotlighted Drexel students who stopped by the CLC to make cranberry sauce for Project Home.

Drexel students team up with Project Home
This clip aired also Tuesday evening and spotlighted Drexel students who stopped by the CLC to make cranberry sauce for Project Home.


Culinary Literacy Center and Sister Mary’s Cranberry Sauce
Good Day, Philadelphia
The above clip ran live on the Thursday morning news to promote the programming in the Culinary Literacy Center.


Culinary Literacy Center: Sinfully Delicious Cranberry Sauce
Action News/6 ABC
The above clip about the cranberry cook-off in the CLC ran on the Thursday evening news.


Philadelphia’s Benjamin Franklin Parkway: The Parkway is a disaster — let's fix it!
Broad Street Review
In this article, the author proposes a variety of solutions to what he sees as problems on the Parkway and suggests: “The openings over the Vine Street Expressway could be decked to create a more welcoming approach to the Free Library and the planned Kimpton hotel.”


Editorial: Support library levy for return on investment
Charleston Gazette
In a 2010 survey in Philadelphia, 8 percent of respondents said they could not have started, grown or improved their businesses without the library. “The Economic Value of the Free Library in Philadelphia” by the Fels Institute of Local and State Government estimated 8,630 businesses benefited from that library’s services.


Authors hit the trail this month with latest tales
Burlington County Times
This rounds up of local literary events features more than 10 listings from the Author Events Series.


World Order: Henry Kissinger
Book TV
This broadcast is from Henry Kissinger’s appearance at the Library on September 29.


Walter Isaacson on the 'Innovators' of the digital revolution
Daily News
MANY'S THE BOOK author (and movie scripter) who has romantically rewritten the history of great discoveries. The common conceit is to celebrate a singular person toiling away in his garret until having that great lightbulb moment that changes everything! So mused tech chronicler Walter Isaacson in a speaking gig earlier this week at the Central Branch Library on Logan Square. (Appeared 10/20)


Richard Blanco’s “The Prince of Los Cocuyos”
WHYY/Radio Times
This is an interview with Blanco, who appeared on October 27.


7 Things to Do in Philly This Week
Philly Mag Blog
Join esteemed biologist, Harvard University professor, and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner E.O. Wilson as he discusses his latest work of nonfiction at the Central Library this Tuesday evening. (Appeared October 28)


Katha Pollitt on her book “Pro: Reclaiming Abortion Rights”
WHYY/Radio Times
This is an interview with Pollitt, who appeared on October 30.


Philadelphia Weekly Calendar
Philly Weekly
This roundup of local events featured the  Katha Pollitt and Archer Mayor / Lynne Abraham events.


Terry Mutchler brings her love out from the shadows
Philly Weekly
With her new book, Under This Beautiful Dome: A Senator, A Journalist, and the Politics of Gay Love in America, from which she’s reading at the Free Library on Monday, Mutchler is coming clean about their devotion and the agony she endured with not only the loss of her great love, but also the harsh reality of having to defend their relationship’s legitimacy. (Appearing November 3)

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