
Want to know what our librarians and staff are reading? Browse through a variety of reviews added to our catalog from a variety of genres.

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  • Wired.

    Reviewed by Ellen C on Feb 3, 2023

    Tagged: Computers Newspapers Magazines and Journals

    Wired Magazine is great for keeping up with the tech industry, computers, and gadgets. They cover a variety of topics monthly and it's approachable for most readers. Wired is available through the Libby app directly to your phone as well.

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  • A million miles in a thousand years what I learned while editing my life by Miller, Donald,

    Reviewed by Ellen C on Feb 2, 2023

    Tagged: Psychology Religion Social Science

    Donald Miller is great at writing about spiritual growth, young adulthood, aspirations, and his journey with and without his father present. This book is sort of a culmination of some of the themes covered in his earlier works. Very heartfelt.

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  • How to be a (young) antiracist by Kendi, Ibram X.

    Reviewed by Ellen C on Feb 2, 2023

    Tagged: African American Philadelphia General Research Social Science Teens Humanities

    The conversation on how to end racism is an ongoing one. Here is a young adult version of X Kendi's adult book How To Be Antiracist (still appropriate for adults!) with scenarios and facts to help you continue the work and carry on the fight in your every day relationships and at school and socially. 

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  • Coco

    Reviewed by Ellen C on Feb 2, 2023

    Tagged: Children Movies and Television

    Great family movie for all ages: "Despite his family's baffling generations-old ban on music, Miguel dreams of becoming an accomplished musician like his idol, Ernesto de la Cruz. Desperate to prove his talent, Miguel finds himself in the stunning and colorful Land of the Dead. A comical journey ensues...

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  • Elsewhere, home by Aboulela, Leila,

    Reviewed by Matthew G on Feb 1, 2023

    Tagged: Fiction

    "Could you not look beyond the hijab?"

    Such is the question for one of Aboulela's protagonists in the collection of short stories, "Elsewhere, Home." Aboulela exquisitely and acutely describes the thoughts and reflections of Muslim, Arab women living between Scottland, England, Sudan, and Egypt.

    In a time when millions of people have been displaced from their homes, its beautiful and heartwrenching to read reflections such as Aboulela's, and to consider, "What makes a home?"

    I do wish more people read Aboulela's works and reflected on their significance in Philadelphia, for the hundreds of thousands of immigrants who reside here. Can we dare to make our city, and our neighborhoods, more friendly, and to welcome strangers into our homes?

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  • Circe : a novel by Miller, Madeline,

    Reviewed by Ellen C on Jan 31, 2023

    Tagged: Fiction

    It's a greek myth from Circe's perspective on the Odyssey, it's descriptive, heart-warming, and adventurous. Check it out.

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  • Recorder the Marion Stokes project.

    Reviewed by Ellen C on Jan 31, 2023

    Tagged: General Research Library Science

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  • Web service APIs and libraries by Michel, Jason Paul.

    Reviewed by Ellen C on Jan 31, 2023

    Tagged: Library Science

    APIs go to work for us in our daily lives. Learn about how they can be implemented within the framework of libraries, social media and user engagement. 

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  • Cack-handed : a memoir by Yashere, Gina,

    Reviewed by Ellen C on Jan 30, 2023

    Tagged: Biography and Autobiography History

    Check out this new memoir from British Nigerian comedian Gina Yashere. This memoir is quite witty and enjoyable.

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  • You are my favorite color by Sze, Gillian,

    Reviewed by Mary D on Jan 26, 2023

    Tagged: Children

     Words are by poet Gillian Sze , a telling of a mother explaining the beauty to her children of their brown color, when a child asks why am I brown color, the mother explains what brown skin means .  This book empowers and embraces and is a reminder for young readers that they have shades of color that only they can discover and express.



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  • Why we sleep unlocking the power of sleep and dreams by Walker, Matthew P.,

    Reviewed by Ellen C on Jan 26, 2023

    Tagged: Health and Fitness Social Science

    Reconsider the importance of your sleep and learn about interesting studies affecting memory. Refresh your knowledge of REM versus NREM. Also a great evening read to encourage relaxation and induce sleep.

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  • Orientalism by Said, Edward W.

    Reviewed by Matthew G on Jan 25, 2023

    Tagged: Politics History Humanities

    I read this book and wrote this review in 2010, when I was staying in a Palestinian refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. So the text, and the life of the author, were laid out in front of me in plain view.

    Understanding Western views of “terrorism,” “Islam,” “Muslims,” and “the East”

    I want you to read through the following excerpt from Edward Said’s, Orientalism. Take your time to understand it, and perhaps read through it a couple of times.  Then, if you’re in your home, share it with a family member.  If you’re online, share it with a friend via facebook.  Perhaps post a link to this blog on your profile.  If you’re at work, call over a coworker and see what they think of it.

    Then, after you’ve read it, consider what you know about Terrorism, Terrorists, Muslims, Islam, Saddam Hussein, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Osama Bin Laden, al Qaeda, or Afghanistan.  What is your source of information regarding these topics: is it from local or national media?  Is it from friends or family, colleagues or strangers?  What informs us about our views of these topics, and how have we been taught to NOT LISTEN to these very people when they present their own viewpoints and beliefs?  As if people in America who know absolutely nothing of their lives and opinions, their struggles and beliefs, can be greater experts on people on this side of the world than the very people who live here.

    Without any more exposition, Edward Said:

    "In the first place, it would be wrong to conclude that the Orient was essentially an idea, or a creation with no corresponding reality… There were – and are – cultures and nations whose location is in the East, and their lives, histories, and customs have a brute reality obviously greater than anything that could be said about them in the West.  About that fact this study of Orientalism has very little to contribute, except to acknowledge it tacitly.  But the phenomenon of Orientalism as I study it here deal principally, not with a correspondence between Orientalism and Orient, but with the internal consistency of Orientalism and its ideas about the Orient (the East as career) despite or beyond any correspondence, or lack thereof, with a “real” Orient.  My point is that Disreali’s statement about the East refers mainly to that created consistency, that regular constellation of ideas as the pre-eminent thing about the Orient, and not to its mere being, as Wallace Stevens’s phrase has it.

    A second qualification is that ideas, cultures, and histories cannot seriously be understood or studied without their force, or more precisely their configurations of power, also being studied.  To believe that the Orient was created – or, as I call it, “Orientalized” – and to believe that such things happen simply as a necessity of the imagination, is to be disingenuous.  The relationship between Occident and Orient is a relationship of power, of domination, of varying degrees of a complex hegemony, and is quite accurately indicated in the title of K. M. Panikkar’s classic Asia and Western Dominance. The Orient was Orientalized not only because it was discovered to be “Oriental” in all those ways considered commonplace by an average nineteenth-century European, but also because it could be – that is, submitted to being – made Oriental.  There is little consent to be found, for example, in the fact that Flaubert’s encounter with an Egyptian courtesan produced a widely influential model of the Oriental woman; she never spoke of herself, she never represented her emotions, presence, or history.  He spoke for and represented her.  He was foreign, comparatively wealthy, male, and these were historical facts of domination that allowed him not only to possess Kuchuk Hanem physically but to speak for her and tell his readers in what way she was “typically Oriental.”  My argument is that Flaubert’s situation of strength in relation to Kuchuk Hanem was not an isolated instance.  It fairly stands for the pattern of relative strength between East and West, and the discourse about the Orient that it enabled.

    This brings us to a third qualification.  One ought never to assume that the structure of Orientalism is nothing more than a structure of lies or of myths which, were the truth about them to be told, would simply blow away.  I myself believe that Orientalism is more particularly valuable as a sign of European-Atlantic power over the Orient than it is as a veridic discourse about the Orient (which is what, in its academic or scholarly form, it claims to be).  Nevertheless, what we must respect and try to grasp is the sheer knitted-together strength of Orientalist discourse, its very close ties to the enabling socio-economic and political institutions, and its redoubtable durability.  After all, any system of ideas that can remain unchanged as teachable wisdom (in academies, books, congresses, universities, foreign-service institutes) from the period of Ernest Renan in the late 1840s until the present in the United States must be something more formidable than a mere collection of lies.  Orientalism, therefore, is not an airy European fantasy about the Orient, but a created body of theory and practice in which, for many generations, there has been a considerable material investment.  Continued investment made Orientalism, as a system of knowledge about the Orient, an accepted grid for filtering though the Orient into Western consciousness, just as that same investment multiplied – indeed, made truly productive – the statements proliferating out from Orientalism into the general culture.

    Gramsci has made the useful analytical distinction between civil and political society in which the former is made up of voluntary (or at least rational and noncoercive) affiliations like schools, families, and unions, the latter of state institutions (the army, the police, the central bureaucracy) whose role in the polity is direct domination.  Culture, of course, is to be found operating within civil society, where the influence of ideas, of institutions, and of other persons works not through domination but by what Gramsci calls consent.  In any society not totalitarian, then, certain cultural forms predominate over others, just as certain ideas are more influential than others; the form of this cultural leadership is what Gramsci has identified as hegemony, an indispensable concept for any understanding of cultural life in the industrial West.  It is hegemony, or rather the result of cultural hegemony at work, that gives Orientalism the durability and the strength I have been speaking about so far.  Orientalism is never far from what Denys Hay has called the idea of Europe, a collective notion identifying “us” Europeans as against all “those” non-Europeans, and indeed it can be argued that the major component of European culture is precisely what made that culture hegemonic both in and outside Europe: the idea of European identity as a superior one in comparison with all the non-European peoples and cultures.  There is in addition the hegemony of European ideas about the Orient, themselves reiterating European superiority over Oriental backwardness, usually overriding the possibility that a more independent, or more skeptical, thinker might have had different views on the matter."

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  • A New Year's reunion by Yu, Li-Qiong.

    Reviewed by Mary D on Jan 25, 2023

    Tagged: Children

    Maomao's father works very far distances from home but comes home once a year during Chinese New Year.  She hardly recognizes him when she sees him , once he gets a haircut and cleaned up Maomao recognizes him better.  They have lots of fun and make rice balls .  They hear firecrackers all night outside and she lays between her momma and poppa.

    They go New Year visiting , they watch the dragon dance on main street.  It snows really hard they go out to play with other children they build a snowman and snowball fights.  

    But all too soon it's time for Papa to go away again.  

    This well illustrated book if the winner of the prestigious Feng Zikai Chinese children's book award .


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  • The light we carry overcoming in uncertain times by Obama, Michelle,

    Reviewed by Ellen C on Jan 19, 2023

    Tagged: African American Biography and Autobiography Politics

    The Light We Carry is a wonderful complement to her initial book Becoming but they could be read in any order. It is much more introspective and warms the heart from the inside out. Includes everything from personal history, psychological outlooks and reasoning behind how her duties as First Lady were carried out.

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  • Brother outsider the life of Bayard Rustin

    Reviewed by Ellen C on Jan 17, 2023

    Tagged: African American LGBTQ

    This is a great historical docu drama style film on Labor activist Bayard Rustin. He was a great influencer during the 1940s-1950s-1960s. This film explores his personal life and relationships along with real footage from the era. 

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  • Glitter every day : 365 quotes from women I love

    Reviewed by Mary D on Jan 6, 2023

    Tagged: Humor

    Hilarious quotes about friends and celebrities Andy Cohen has met and made a life career out of interviewing.  From his mother to Madonna , These are words of daily wisdom , inspirations and wisdom.  It is 365 sayings and quotes that will make you think and laugh.  He also writes in his book about his childhood growing up in St Louis.

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  • Mornings with Monet by Rosenstock, Barb,

    Reviewed by Mary D on Dec 20, 2022

    Tagged: Children

    The story of painter Claude Monet, this version is the children's version of the famous painter Claude Monet , at first his works were dismissed for the colors that he used. Claude was born in Paris France near Le Havre where he grew up.  He often painted the mists and moods of the Siene river, a very famous river, where he had his studio.  

    Art dealers and collectors wanted to see as Monet sees.  He paints the river's colors and the air around the colors .  

    The illustrations are beautiful and colorful for children of all ages.


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  • The stranger in the lifeboat by Albom, Mitch,

    Reviewed by Mary D on Dec 15, 2022

    Tagged: Fiction

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  • Dolly! : the story of Dolly Parton and her big dream by McGrath, Robyn.

    Reviewed by Mary D on Dec 1, 2022

    Tagged: Biography and Autobiography

    This is a children's biography of one of america's most prominent singer, and it is made into a picture book for children.

    The story starts off with Dolly's life as a child at home with her parents and siblings.  As one of 12 children growing in Tennessee, Dolly was determined to be a star and tried her hardest to get her music heard.  She is a writer as well as a musician and singer.  She had to balance her dreams with her chores at home.  Growing up poor , Dolly wore old clothes and they sometimes had holes in them.  She wrote one of her songs just about that , The coat of many colors. which her momma made for her.  She performed at the Grand Ole Opry at the age of 13.

    She is a philanthropist, as well as a big star and has helped millions of people with her gift of more than 125 million books to children worldwide.  

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  • Fighting for yes!: the story of disability rights activist Judith Heumann by Cocca-Leffler, Maryann,

    Reviewed by Mary D on Nov 8, 2022

    Tagged: Children

    This Biography is about Judith Heumann, who was because of her hard long fighting work The American Disabilities Act was signed into law.  

    Judy was born able to walk but after contracting Polio she was left with not being able to walk again.  She so wanted to go to school and lead a normal kids life but was always told NO! due to her disability , she couldnt get up steps or down steps or reach anything high.  Buildings and schools were not equiped to handle someone in a wheelchair.  She fought to change the way america sees the disabled and in this book it teaches us to stand for what's right and fight no matter how far off you think you might be.

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