
Want to know what our librarians and staff are reading? Browse through a variety of reviews added to our catalog from a variety of genres.

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  • Loving kindness by Underwood, Deborah.

    Reviewed by Mary D on Mar 28, 2022

    Tagged: Children

    Loving Kindness encourages children to be kind to themselves and others and to open ourselves up others in the world.


    Beautiful illustrations for children and adults.


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  • Bear sees colors by Wilson, Karma.

    Reviewed by Mary D on Mar 24, 2022

    Tagged: Children

    Mouse and bear are friends and on their journey they run into their animal friends where they discover on each page, beautiful colors all around them and in the air.  It introduces a child to colors, this book has beautiful illustrations which will keep a toddler engaged.



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  • Spring after spring : how Rachel Carson inspired the environmental movement by Sisson, Stéphanie Roth,

    Reviewed by Mary D on Mar 16, 2022

    Tagged: Children

    This is a true story of Rachel Carson how the life of observation and bravery changed the course of environmental science and continues to inspire the young naturalists of body.  Rachel listened carefully and learned as much as she could about what was happening.

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  • Counting on Katherine by Becker, Helaine,

    Reviewed by Mary D on Mar 8, 2022

    Tagged: Children

    This children's version of how a woman helped the flight of Apollo 13 take off.  Katherine Johnson even as a child loved to count, she would count steps , the number of dishes and spoons she washed.  She was very smart.  She loved numbers and the Universe studies.  She skipped three whole grades in school.  Back in Katherine's time there was secration still and Katherine coundn't go to a regular high school because of the color of her skin.  She moved to a town where there was a black high school and she loved school.  

    She eventually got a job with the US Government and they hired thousands of new employees, even hiring black woman as mathematicians.  She worked for NASA , and without her she knew spaceships coundnt reach their destinations.  There was a space race going on in the world and every country wanted to get to space.  Katherine knew she could help, she worked hard and fast and she came up with the calculations to a new path for the Astronauts so they could get to space and back to earth safely.  

    Katherine made enormous contributions in history.

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  • Hooray for spring! by Iwamura, Kazuo,

    Reviewed by Mary D on Mar 2, 2022

    Tagged: Children

    It's spring time and the world is an exciting place to be .  There are three little baby birds Mick, Mack and Molly . their puzzlement of what to feed their young and what takes place in a perfect book about Spring for young children.

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  • Carl and the meaning of life by Freedman, Deborah

    Reviewed by Mary D on Feb 16, 2022

    Tagged: Children

    Carl is an earthworm and spends his days crawling and turning dirt over.  When asked by the field mouse why he does what he does the earthworm set out to find out why he does what he does.  Talking to one animal at a time and finding out what he does is necessary for the earth to be turned over and grow crops for the other animals to eat and survive.



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  • Mine, mine, mine, yours! by Gee, Kimberly.

    Reviewed by Mary D on Feb 16, 2022

    Tagged: Children

    Playdates and sharing is what this delightful childrens book is all about.  From taking turns on the slide there are three toddlers and everything is mine mine mine.    This book teaches opposites such as messy and clean up , up and down, mine and yours.  Preschool book to read over and over again.  Easy reading .

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  • When Charley met Grampa by Hest, Amy

    Reviewed by Mary D on Feb 7, 2022

    Tagged: Children

    The story is about a boy his new dog Charley and Grampa.  Grampa is coming for a visit and its a snowy day , Grampa has never been friends with a dog before .  When Grampa got to the train station his hat blew off and Charley right away ran after it, The snow was coming down harder and harder and they called out to little Charley.  What happens next is worth reading about.  Its a story of reluctance. 



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  • Just like you by Fearnley, Jan.

    Reviewed by Mary D on Feb 2, 2022

    Tagged: Children

    Its a story of mothers settling their young down for the night, and how the different animals tuck their babies in such as Frog, Rabbit, and Fox.  The most important thing they learned is that their parents will always love them and take care of them.

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  • Vampenguin by Cummins, Lucy Ruth.

    Reviewed by Mary D on Feb 1, 2022

    Tagged: Children

    The Dracula family make their way to the zoo for a family day out. What a tiny vampire and a tiny penguin will make of their day together at the zoo. Great Illustrations and a fun picture book to read to preschoolers. 




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  • Little Mole's wish by Kim, Sang-g?n

    Reviewed by Mary D on Jan 20, 2022

    Tagged: Children

    On a wintry day, a little lone mole befriends a snowball.  Little Mole is new to the neighborhood and doesnt have any friends

    he wanted to take him on the bus but no one would let the snowball on the bus, so mole rolled him into a bear but the snowball as a bear wasnt allowed on the bus either.  Next he had an idea to make the snowball into a little boy and even gave him his hat. This time it worked but being on the warm bus made the snowball melt and the mole was so sad he didnt get to say goodbye to his snowball friend, what happens next will make you smile for sure.



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  • The wives by Fisher, Tarryn,

    Reviewed by Mary D on Jan 20, 2022

    Tagged: Fiction

    This book explores the reality of mental illness and the fallout from it.  Thursday Ellington is the narrator of the book and the main character.  It starts out with her making a grand dinner for her husband whom she only sees on Thursdays, as she believes she is in a polygamist relationship and her husband has two other wives he sees on other days.

    Seth is the name of her husband , states he does not want his three wives to have any contact with each other or know anything about each other.  

    Seth spends Monday and Tuesday with his other two wives, whom he calls Monday and Tuesday.

    Thursday curosity after finding a doctor receipt get the best of her and she starts investigating the other wives and finds one is named Hannah and she maybe having a baby.

    Thursday believes that Seth divorced his first wife Regina because she did not want children, and Thursday got pregnant and she and Seth married but she lost the baby and had to have a hysterectomy and cannot have children .

    She goes to where Hannah lives and meets her under falsse pretenses and makes friends with Hannah and goes to her house and its beautfiul and everything looks great but she notices bruises on her arm.

    They meet a few times and Hannah admits her hsuband has a temper.  She denies that her bruises are from him though.

    Fearing that Hannah and the baby could be harmed, she makes an appt with the first wife Regina who is a lawyer.  

    Meanwhile hannah confronts Seth about Hannah and he attacks her, she is taken to the hospital and is suffering a head injury. 

    When she tells her dr about her polygamist relationship, Seth says he does not know what he is talking about .

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  • Million little things

    Reviewed by Ashley B on Jan 20, 2022

    Tagged: Family

    I'm on the first season I love it from beginning to end. I love the realistic portrayal of how bad decisions lead to bad consequences! You don’t always find that in today's entertainment.

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  • Old dog baby baby by Fogliano, Julie,

    Reviewed by Mary D on Jan 18, 2022

    Tagged: Children

    old dog and lazy dog, but along comes the new baby, colorful pictures and illustrations to show contrast between old and new.  Happy book to share with a little one.


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    Reviewed by Mary D on Jan 12, 2022

    Tagged: Children

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  • Buddy and Earl by Fergus, Maureen.

    Reviewed by Mary D on Jan 6, 2022

    Tagged: Children

    It's a story of an odd animal pair Buddy the dog plays by the rules and when he meets Earl and Buddy asks Earl what are you? They start off on a friendly and funny adventure , Buddy tries to guess what Earl could be with his prickly body .  They get into mischief together and realize doesnt matter what he is , he is a friend.  



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  • Sweater weather by Phelan, Matt.

    Reviewed by Mary D on Jan 3, 2022

    Tagged: Children

    Its Sweater weather outside and Papa Bear tells his cubs.  Fun times you can have in snow and cold weather and no matter how you have to put on all the layers of clothes the best time is spending time with family.

    the illustrations are wonderful by the author Matt Phelan

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  • Town mouse, country mouse by Brett, Jan,

    Reviewed by Mary D on Dec 29, 2021

    Tagged: Children

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  • Snow globe wishes by Dealey, Erin.

    Reviewed by Mary D on Dec 27, 2021

    Tagged: Children

    A perfect Winter book for children , a snowstorm comes through the town, makes traffic , cuts power and everyone needs to go indoors. As everyone takes the opportunity to slow down and make the most of the stormy night, a little girl makes a wish on a snow globe. As the next day approaches and all is clear outside and they can celebrate the spirit of the season Peace on earth Snow Globe wishes do come true.

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  • Moose tracks! by Wilson, Karma.

    Reviewed by Mary D on Dec 15, 2021

    Tagged: Children

    There are moose tracks in the back porch,there are moose tracks in the kitchen, there are moose tracks on the den floor, there are moose tracks in the bathroom too, but who left them.  Wondering who the culprit is, this book is put to a nice poem form and enjoyable to read.


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