Enarrationes in psalmos (Expositions on the Psalms)

Medieval Manuscripts
Enarrationes in psalmos (Expositions on the Psalms)

Item Info

Item No: mca0221812
Title: Enarrationes in psalmos (Expositions on the Psalms)
Script: Iberian praegothica
Language: Latin
Folio Number: f. 181v
Source: Rare Book Department
Notes: Inscriptions
Notes: This page contains the end of the Enchiridion, a handbook of Christian doctrine written by St. Augustine (354-430), bishop of the north African city of Hippo and one of the Doctors of the Church. The inscriptions that appear after the end of the text include information that helps to locate the manuscript. They include the name of the scribe, Didactus, and an ex libris that denounces anyone who would remove the book from its library: "Hic est liber Sancte Marie de Benevivere qui abstulerit anathema sit" (This book is from Santa Maria of Benevivere; whoever removes it is cursed). The prayer and partial alphabet in the middle of the page are later additions.
Sirsi Catalog Key: 1583207
Country: Country:Spain

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1199
Image Dimensions Width: 246 mm
ShelfMark: Lewis E 22
Creator Name: Augustine of Hippo - Author
Didactus - Scribe

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