Posts in “pop-culture” (81)

Blog Articles

The unofficial start of the summer season begins again this Memorial Day weekend and there will certainly be plenty of activities available for your attention, including all the new blockbusters… continue reading Summer Movies 2019: Cool Celluloid for a Sweltering Summer

By written by Peter SM    May 24, 2019   

The newest superhero to take flight on the silver screen calls Philadelphia his home and viewers will be able to spot the Art Museum, the William Penn statue, the LOVE sculpture, and various… continue reading Look! Up in the Philly Skyline! It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's... Shazam!?

By written by Peter SM    April 4, 2019   

The Barbie doll’s official beau has always been Ken, but to many toy collectors (and some cultural critics ) the real natural counterpart to Barbie has always been G.I. Joe . The two… continue reading Happy Birthday, Barbie and G.I. Joe!

By written by Violet L.    March 27, 2019    2

This Saturday, March 23 marks the 25th anniversary of Hellboy and has been designated Hellboy Day across libraries, comic book shops, and bookstores around the world! What's a… continue reading Throw Those Horns In the Air in Celebration of Hellboy's 25th Anniversary!

By written by Peter SM    March 22, 2019   

Like lots of ‘80s kids, I grew up with repeats of The Monkees on television and couldn’t wait for my weekly Saturday morning dose of their hijinks and bubble gum pop. Unlike lots of… continue reading A Daydream Believer’s Tribute to Peter Tork

By written by Alix G.    February 25, 2019    4

Around this time of year, all the stories concerning film seem to be about the Academy Awards: Who will host ? What films were snubbed ? Who will actually take home an Oscar ? It's no secret… continue reading The History of Black Horror Movies

By written by Peter SM    February 22, 2019    1

I have a confession to make—I am that friend who always wants to get a trivia team together on a Tuesday night. I’m also that kid who read Trivial Pursuit cards for fun to see if I… continue reading Celebrating the Trivia Nerd in All of Us

By written by Christine M.    January 4, 2019    3

It’s back: the 1950s fast-bantered, visually stunning pop culture fever dream that is Amazon’s The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel . Well, we should all be so lucky to have fever dreams this… continue reading The Well-Read World of Mrs. Maisel

By written by Kaitlyn F.    December 20, 2018    3

2018, it’s been quite a year, am I right? I know that by this point every year we’re all like, “WOW, what a year!”, but this year especially feels like we are on track for… continue reading Love Hallmark Christmas Movies? Give These Teen Holiday Reads a Look!

By written by Rachel F.    December 18, 2018   

Another Wednesday is upon us and that means new comic book day , but this week's usual trip to my local comic book shop will be a somber one, as not just the comic's world but the entire… continue reading Stan Lee: Excelsior Everlasting!

By written by Peter SM    November 14, 2018    1

I mean, this is Tom Hanks —you scarcely need us to tell you who he is. Famed for his portrayals of a ping-pong savant , WWII Army ranger , pioneering AIDS activist , toy sheriff , astronaut… continue reading The Uncommon Tom Hanks

By written by Author Events    October 23, 2018    1

Does the "O" in October ever remind you of a hot, bubbling, scrumptious pizza? If it does, maybe that’s because October is National Pizza Month! We just observed International… continue reading Celebrate National Pizza Month Through Books and Film!

By written by Violet L.    October 19, 2018   

***Event Information Update | October 9, 2018*** Book sales will begin at 4:00 p.m. Books purchased will include a signed bookplate.   The event has been moved from the Montgomery Auditorium… continue reading How John Cena and the Free Library Inspired My Love of Professional Wrestling

By written by Alix G.    October 5, 2018    9

For Baby Boomers, the words “Land Shark”, “Samurai Delicatessen”, “Coneheads”, and “The Blues Brothers” conjures up adventures on the wild frontier… continue reading Brought To You In Living Color

By written by Violet L.    August 23, 2018   

We started out with 32 blockbuster best-selling books from a variety of genres ... over 5 weeks, the books were voted upon by you, our faithful blog readers and library patrons... as each week… continue reading Our Summer Madness Blockbuster Reads Online Bracket Game Winner Is...

By written by Peter SM    August 14, 2018    1

Chef. Raconteur. Explorer. Enthusiast . Anthony Bourdain was all of these things and much more. He had a lust for life that was all encompassing, whether it was his dream of traveling to the Congo… continue reading Anthony Bourdain's Endless Exploration of the Intersection between Food and Life

By written by Peter SM    June 8, 2018   

Another summer season is about to start and with it a swath of celluloid distractions from the impending heat and humidity outside, projecting eye-popping entertainment some 40 feet high amid… continue reading Summer Movies 2018: A Respite from Reality

By written by Peter SM    May 25, 2018    2

When I first found out that we had a James Bond collection in the Rare Book Department , I was so surprised. James Bond amongst medieval manuscripts and cuneiform tablets—how the heck did… continue reading How 007 Got His Name

By written by Karen K.    May 16, 2018    3

This year's additions to the National Recording Registry were announced last month , which include 25 songs, albums, or audio recordings from the early 20th century up to the present. This… continue reading National Recording Registry Reaches 500 Songs—Take a Listen!

By written by Peter SM    April 6, 2018   

2018 marks the 38th time little golden statues have been awarded to films of a certain competence... and no, I'm not talking about the Oscars—I'm referring to the Razzies ! The… continue reading Best of the Worst in Film: The 2018 Razzie Awards

By written by Peter SM    March 9, 2018    1

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