Tribute Gifts

Tribute gifts are made in honor or in memory of someone special to you. Your contribution will be acknowledged with a personalized letter sent to the person you specify.

For tribute gifts of $50 or more, the Free Library will place a bookplate bearing the honoree's name in a piece in our collection. Make a tribute gift online now.

To make a tribute gift by check, please include the name and address of the person who should be notified of your generosity.

Checks may be made out to the Free Library of Philadelphia Foundation and mailed to:

Free Library of Philadelphia Foundation
1901 Vine Street, Suite 111
Philadelphia, PA 19103

For more information, please contact the Development Office by phone at 215-567-7710 or

The Impact of Your Gift

The homeschooling mother of four curious daughters, Rossana depends on the Free Library for the resources and materials she uses to educate her daughters and keep them excited about learning. Rossana relies on the Free Library so much that when her family was considering moving to a new home farther from their local branch, they decided against it because the Free Library is so integral to their lives.