Framing Fraktur Quiz

In the spirit of Framing Fraktur, test your knowledge of the Pennsylvania Dutch language! Choose the correct meaning of each word or phrase.

  1. Doppich means...”

  2. “A person who is gretzy is...”

  3. “A wunnerfitz is a word for someone who is a...”

  4. “A hossa-latz is a...”

  5. “To make down means...”

  6. “To dopple means...”

  7. “If something is stroubly, it is...”

  8. “To sprinkle down...”

  9. “To be a good piece off means to be...”

  10. “If things are out of kilter, they are...”

  11. Dooner und blitzen are...”

  12. “The phrase aegna-leeb shtinckt means...”

  13. “If someone's eating went away, then they...”

  14. “If you do something instanter, you get it done...”

  15. G'schent'l-leit means...”

  16. “You'd most likely say dummel dich if you want someone...”