
Showing 41 to 48 of 48 | Results for Tag: social-science
  • Watch the video here . In conversation with Dr. James Peterson, Director of Africana Studies and Associate Professor of English at Lehigh University. MSNBC Contributor Possessed of “intellectual heft, critical thinking depth and finesse with… more

  • Watch the video here . Exploring the intersection of science, technology, and experience, Steven Johnson is the author of the bestselling Where Good Ideas Come From, Everything Bad Is Good for You , and How We Got to Now , which he adapted into a… more

  • The Washington Post’s lead journalist in Ferguson, Missouri during the tempestuous aftermath of the death of African American teenager Mike Brown, Wesley Lowery, together with his team, won the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting for the… more

  • Nearly a quarter of a million youth are tried, sentenced, or imprisoned as adults every year across the United States. On any given day, ten thousand youth are detained or incarcerated in adult jails and prisons. Putting a human face to these… more

  • In the United States, solitary confinement of youth is routinely employed in a majority of states, despite a recent ban on the practice in federal prisons. Over the past several months, the Free Library of Philadelphia’s Regional Foundation Center… more

  • Offering up “great facts, interesting cultural insights, and thought-provoking moral calculations” ( New York Magazine ), Chuck Klosterman scrutinized pop culture, music, and sports with humor and unbounded imagination as “The Ethicist” for The… more

  • Shenna Bellows lost her first U.S. Senate race but will likely continue to knock on doors and knock down barriers. Erin Souza-Rezendes is the author of Keys to Elected Office: The Essential Guide for Women . Join us for this panel discussion… more

  • A sociologist and co-director of the Justice and Poverty Project at Harvard, Matthew Desmond won a 2015 MacArthur fellowship for his groundbreaking research into the root causes and far-reaching effects of American poverty. He is the author of… more