- 6 Cultural landscapes
- 4 Culture
- 6 Culverts
- 13 Cumberland County, New Jersey
- 2 Cumberland Knitting Mills (James Millhouse)
- 9 Cumberland Street
- 1 Cumbria, England
- 1 Cumming & Brodic, Plumbers and Metalic Roofers
- 1 Cummings, Gordon Parker
- 1 Cunard Line, ltd.
- 2 Cuneiform tablets
- 1 Cunningham Supply Co.
- 2 Cunningham, Peter, 1816-1869
- 1 Cunningham, Thomas W.
- 2 Cunynghame, Arthur Augustus Thurlow, Sir, 1812-1884
- 3 Cupboards
- 6 Cupid (Roman deity)
- 1 Cupid (Sculpture)
- 2 Cupid asleep (Sculpture)
- 1 Cupid begging (Sculpture)
- 1 Cupid Flying (Sculpture)
- 1 Cupid on the Lookout (Sculpture)
- 3 Cupid on the lookout (Sculpture)
- 11 Cupids
- 47 Cupolas
- 1 Curbs
- 1 Curing (preserving or seasoning)
- 1 Currency question
- 1 Curricles (carriages)
- 2 Currie, Martin & Co. Germantown Foundry
- 1 Curriers
- 1 Curry, John Francis, 1873-1957
- 1 Curry, Thomas C.
- 1 Curtains
- 1 Curtis & Mitchell
- 28 Curtis Publishing Company
- 1 Curves (geometric figures)
- 6 Cushions
- 1 Cushman, Robert, 1579?-1625
- 11 Customhouses