- 1 Virgil
- 1 Virgin Islands of the United States
- 18 Virginia
- 1 Virginia State Building
- 1 Virginie Vasseur (Firm)
- 6 Virgins
- 4 Virgo symbols
- 1 Virtue
- 1 Vises
- 7 Visiting cards
- 1 Visscher le jeune
- 1 Visscher, Cornelis II
- 1 Visscher, Johannes de
- 2 Viti Bros.
- 2 Vocational schools (buildings)
- 4 Vocational training
- 45 Volcanoes
- 9 Volendam, Netherlands
- 1 Volstead Act
- 3 Volunteering
- 8 Volunteers
- 2 von Hindenburg, Paul, 1847–1934
- 1 Von Zeschau, Mathilde
- 2 Vose, Dinsmore, & Co.
- 1 Voss, Johann Heinrich, 1751-1826
- 1 Voter apathy
- 12 Voters
- 4 Voting
- 1 Vulcanite Paving Company, The
- 1 Vulcanite Tile and Mosaic Company, The
- 4 Vultures
- 2 W. & B. Douglas (Firm)
- 1 W. & L.E. Gurley (Firm)
- 1 W. Adler (Firm)
- 1 W. Brown (Firm)
- 1 W. Jordan Shoe Warehouse
- 2 W. Lutner (machine shop)
- 1 W. Lyman (Firm)
- 1 W. Niles ( cold water paint)
- 4 W. Schollenberger & Sons