- 11 Terracotta
- 1 Terrorism
- 1 Terry, Alfred Howe, 1827 - 1890
- 1 Terry, Ellen, Dame, 1847-1928
- 1 Terry, James
- 1 Tersteegen, Gerhard, 1697-1769
- 1 Testimonials
- 1 Testing equipment
- 2 Tetramorphs
- 1 Teutonia Fire Insurance Co.
- 17 Texas
- 2 Texas Oil Co.
- 2 Textbooks
- 11 Textile industry
- 4 Textile machinery
- 97 Textile mills
- 1 Textile workers
- 32 Textiles
- 1 Th. Behrensen (Firm)
- 1 Thackara, Buck, & Co.
- 1 Thackeray, William Makepeace, 1811-1863
- 5 Thailand
- 1 Thames River Worsted Co.
- 1 Thames, England
- 2 Thanksgiving
- 1 The Arabian Nights
- 1 The Blocks
- 2 The Cock Tavern
- 1 The Confessor's Hand Book
- 1 The Dead Secret
- 2 The Elder Brother
- 1 The Examiner
- 1 The Fritz. Co. (poultry feed, rendering, slaughtering)
- 7 The Frozen Deep
- 1 The fruits of victory
- 3 The future
- 6 The Historical Society of Pennsylvania
- 1 The Literary Digest
- 1 The Pall Mall gazette
- 3 The past