- 8 Stephen, Saint, d. ca. 36
- 1 Stephen, Saint, d. ca. 36 - Reburial of relics
- 1 Stephen, Saint, d. ca. 36 - Stoning
- 1 Stephens, Alexander Hamilton,--1812-1883.
- 1 Stephenson, George, 1781-1848
- 1 Stephenson, Robert, 1803-1859
- 2 Stepney, Catherine Pollock Manners, Lady, d. 1845
- 9 Steps
- 347 Stereographs
- 1 Stereoscopic photographs
- 1 Stereoscopic photography
- 2 Stereotypes (printing plates/blocks)
- 4 Stereotyping
- 1 Sterling, Illinois
- 1 Stern Co. Furniture & Carpets
- 1 Stern wheelers
- 1 Sternberger & Co. Shirt Factory
- 1 Stetson's Hat Factory
- 1 Stevens, Benjamin Machine Shop
- 1 Stevens, William Bacon, 1815-1887
- 1 Stevenson's Mill
- 2 Stewards
- 1 Stewart, William Henry Nassau, b. 1822
- 1 Stickers
- 1 Sticks (object genre)
- 1 Stiffel & Freeman Safe Factory
- 2 Still life prints
- 1 Still life-game (Work of Art)
- 1 Still lifes
- 1 Stills (Distilleries)
- 1 Stilts (supporting equipment)
- 1 Stilz Bros. Tailors (Firm)
- 1 Stimson Doctrine
- 1 Stimson, Henry Lewis, 1867-1950
- 2 Stirling (Joseph Stirling), 1803-1868
- 10 Stirling Street
- 1 Stirling, Fanny, 1815-1895
- 1 Stirrups
- 1 Stites & Co.
- 2 Stock certificates