- 2 Stonecutting
- 5 Stones
- 6 Stonework
- 2 Stoning
- 11 Stools
- 23 Stoops (uncovered spaces)
- 15 Storage facilities
- 25 Storage jars
- 5 Storage tanks
- 176 Storefronts
- 1 Storehouses
- 457 Stores
- 1 Storey, G. A. (George Adolphus), 1834-1919
- 4 Storks
- 2 Storm (Sculpture)
- 12 Storms
- 2 Story of the Prodigal Son, The (series)
- 1 Story, William Wetmore, 1819-1895.
- 1 Storytelling
- 1 Stotesbury, Edward Townsend
- 1 Stotesbury, Eva Roberts Cromwell
- 1 Stotesbury, Oliver
- 8 Stove industry
- 1 Stovell see Savage, Keyser & Stovell
- 23 Stoves
- 3 Stow & Burnham (Firm)
- 1 Stowaways
- 1 Stoy's Mill
- 1 Stradanus, Johannes, 1523-1605, active in Italy
- 1 Strain see Magoffin, W.H. & Strain
- 1 Straine (Soda fountain)
- 1 Strange Gentleman, The
- 7 Stratford Hotel
- 9 Stratford-upon-Avon, England
- 1 Straw (plant material)
- 1 Straw work
- 41 Strawberries
- 6 Strawberry Mansion
- 30 Strawberry Mansion, Pennsylvania
- 6 Strawbridge & Clothier