- 2 Painters (artists)
- 1 Painting (image-making)
- 63 Paintings
- 5 Paints & varnishes
- 1 Palace of Justice
- 1 Palace of Westminster
- 2 Palaces
- 5 Palazzo Peschiere
- 1 Paleography
- 1 Paleontologists
- 2 Palestine
- 1 Palette (color range)
- 1 Palettes (painting equipment)
- 10 Palimpsests
- 2 Palladian Revival
- 9 Palladian windows
- 1 Pallas Athene
- 1 Palm Beach, Florida
- 1 Palm Sunday
- 1 Palmer Park
- 3 Palmer Street
- 1 Palmer, Henry David, 1832-1879
- 3 Palmerston, Henry John Temple, Viscount, 1784-1865
- 5 Palmetto Street
- 23 Palms
- 8 Palmyra, New Jersey
- 36 Pamphlets
- 1 Pan and Bacchantes (Work of Art)
- 1 Panacea
- 1 Panamá
- 2 Panama Canal
- 2 Panama Street
- 1 Pancoast & Maule Steam Heating (Firm)
- 1 Pancoast, Joseph, 1805-1882
- 1 Pandemic
- 8 Pandiani, Costantino.
- 2 Pandiani, Innocente
- 1 Pandora's box
- 1 Paneling
- 10 Panoramas