- 3 Lower Dublin Hotel
- 30 Lower Merion Township, Pennsylvania
- 11 Low-rise buildings
- 1 Lowry Bros. Grocery Co.
- 1 Lowry Coffee Co.
- 1 Loxley Building
- 2 Loyering Barrel Factory
- 1 Luard, John Dalbiac, 1830-1860
- 2471 Lubin Manufacturing Company
- 14 Lubin, Siegmund, d. 1923
- 4 Lubricant
- 1 Lucas Varnish, Paint & Glass Co.
- 1 Lucas, Alice, 1855-
- 1 Lucas, Edgar, Mrs., 1855-
- 1 Lucifer (Sculpture)
- 1 Lucknow
- 3 Lucy, Saint, d. 304
- 30 Ludlow Street
- 1 Ludlow, James R. (James Reily), 1825-1886
- 2 Ludwick Building
- 8 Luggage
- 1 Luise Henriette, Electress, consort of Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg, 1627-1667
- 6 Luke, Saint
- 20 Lumber
- 10 Lumber industry
- 28 Lumber sheds
- 2 Lumbermen's Fire Insurance Co.
- 4 Lumberyards (stores)
- 1 Luna Park
- 7 Luncheonettes
- 1 Luncheons
- 1 Lunches
- 1 Lust
- 1 Lustrations
- 9 Lutes
- 2 Luther, Martin, 1483-1546
- 5 Lutheran
- 5 Lutheran churches
- 4 Lutz Bros. (slaughterhouse)
- 1 Lutz, Grace Livingston Hill, 1865-1947