- 4 Lambeth Pottery (London, England)
- 15 Lambs
- 1 Lame duck
- 1 Lamert, Mary
- 3 Lamos (Firm)
- 1 Lampblack
- 188 Lampposts
- 36 Lamps
- 4 Lampshades
- 1 Lanark Mills-William Baird
- 1 Lancaster Avenue
- 2 Lancaster Avenue
- 1 Lancaster Avenue
- 12 Lancaster Avenue
- 20 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
- 1 Lancaster Passenger Railway Station
- 2 Lancaster turnpike
- 1 Lancaster turnpike
- 1 Lancaster turnpike
- 10 Lancaster, Pennsylvania
- 1 Land
- 1 Land mines
- 7 Land surveys
- 3 Land Title and Trust Co.
- 121 Land use maps
- 1 Landauer & Machall (Firm)
- 15 Landings (marine structures)
- 2 Landis' Retreat
- 1 Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 1866–1944
- 1 Landless, Henry & Son (Cotton weaving)
- 3 Landmark buildings
- 1 Landon, Letitia Elizabeth (L.E.)
- 2 Landor, Walter Savage, 1775-1864
- 1 Landreth, David
- 1 Landscape - suburbs of Munich (Work of Art)
- 2 Landscape architecture
- 27 Landscape paintings
- 31 Landscape photographs
- 93 Landscape prints
- 747 Landscapes (environments)