- 1 John, the Apostle, Saint - Preaching
- 58 John, the Baptist, Saint
- 1 John, the Baptist, Saint - Praying
- 1 John, the Baptist, Saint - Preaching
- 1 Johnson & Stokes Garden and Grass Seeds
- 1 Johnson see Brinton & Johnson
- 2 Johnson Street
- 1 Johnson, Andrew, 1808 - 1875
- 33 Johnson, Arthur V., 1876-1916
- 5 Johnson, Hiram Warren, 1866-1945
- 1 Johnson, Hugh Samuel, 1881–1942
- 1 Johnson, John Graver, 1841-1917
- 1 Johnson, Virgil L.
- 3 Johnston Street
- 1 Johnston, J.M.
- 2 Johnston, Joseph E. (Joseph Eggleston), 1807-1891
- 2 Johnstown, Pennsylvania
- 1 Joinery
- 1 Joints (Engineering)
- 1 Jolly boats (watercraft)
- 2 Jolly, Emily
- 2 Jonah (Biblical prophet)
- 2 Jonah (Biblical prophet) - Cast up by fish by fish (whale)
- 2 Jonah (Biblical prophet) - Swallowed by fish (whale)
- 1 Jonas Brothers (Firm)
- 1 Jones & Taylor Brick Yard
- 1 Jones and Co.
- 1 Jones Beach, New York
- 1 Jones' Feed Store
- 2 Jones' Holsum Bread (Firm)
- 1 Jones' Mill
- 1 Jones, Edgar, 1880-1958
- 1 Jones, J. Roberts
- 1 Jones, Robert Tyre (Bobby), Jr., 1902-1971
- 1 Jones, Wesley Livsey, 1863 –1932
- 1 Jonghe, Clement de died 1679
- 16 Jordan River
- 1 Jos. Schoeneman & Co. Boys & Childrens Clothing (Firm)
- 1 Jos. Schreiber Neffen (Firm)
- 1 Joseph (Son of Jacob)