December is Learn a Foreign Language Month

By Meredith M. RSS Tue, December 19, 2023

December is National Learn a Foreign Language Month, but Languages and Learning at the Free Library celebrates language learning all year! Here in Philadelphia, over 180 different languages are spoken around the city.

Why learn another language? Studies show that there are many benefits to learning a new language, no matter how old you are. Language learning can boost your confidence and give you a new perspective on the world around you. It’s also beneficial to many career and education paths.

Plus, it’s fun! Learning a language opens learners up to enjoying its culture, entertainment, and art. December is the perfect time to get an early start on your New Year's resolution or start planning a trip to somewhere new, and we have the resources to help you along in your language journey!

The Free Library offers access to Mango Languages. Mango includes instruction in over 70 different languages and is totally free with your library card! There’s no limit to the number of languages you can learn there at one time, so it's perfect for any aspiring polyglots out there. This resource is available anytime on their website or app.

Our world language conversation groups are currently accepting applicants for the winter 2024 session, which begins January 8, 2024. These groups meet once a week on Zoom and are a space for learners to practice their informal conversation skills with one another. This winter, we’re offering groups in Spanish, French, and Latin. You can find more about our program offerings on our frequently updated list of Language Programs.

Maybe you already speak another language and would like to help others just starting. Many of our language learning groups are volunteer-led and we’re always looking for more people excited to share their language. If you’re interested in leading a language group, reach out to Volunteer Services.

Those are just two of the many ways you can learn a new language at the Free Library! Stop by your neighborhood branch to explore their collection of materials in different languages, including instructional materials you can borrow. Check out a magazine in Portuguese or German, just two of the languages available in OverDrive’s magazine collection. OverDrive is home to many e-books and audiobooks in world languages too! There’s also my personal favorite, watching a film in another language on Kanopy or Access Video On Demand.

Whatever language you’re looking to learn, the Free Library is here for you and can help guide you on your way! What language will you study?

If you have questions about world language study at the Free Library, please email us at or call 215-686-8664. To stay up-to-date on the latest information from Languages and Learning, sign up for our monthly email newsletter

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