Are You Reading Fake News?

By Jamie B. RSS Tue, August 20, 2019

If you’re getting your news mostly from social media, your information diet is probably a little lacking. You might even be consuming fake news, which the New York Times defines as "a published news report that can be easily proved false,"1 in the recently published book Fake New: Read All About It.

Fake news doesn’t just occur by accident. It’s a "deliberate attempt to sway public opinion using false and explosive claims." 1 Fake news is "shocking, exciting, or confirms some belief you hold deeply." 1 If there’s too much sensation and affirmation in your news cycle, you might be reading fake news.

Fake news isn’t harmless. It leaves readers misinformed and can spread quickly, affecting people on a global scale. It’s a "weapon that is taking aim at the practice of democracy," that can "undermin(e) truth and public trust in responsible investigative reporting."

Don’t get duped! Quickly check if a news story is true, by visiting trusted sources of information such as,, Washington Post Fact Checker, or

If you’d like to ditch fake news in favor of rich, varied, trusted news sources, look no further than the Free Library of Philadelphia’s eResources:

For the latest news that’s fit to print, try:

For historical news, explore:

You can fight against fake news and always be informed with the help of the Free Library and these resources—all you need is a library card!

1.        New York Times Educational Publishing. (2019). Fake News: Read All About It.

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Great post. Very helpful.
Joe Shemtov - Philadelphia
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Terrific and timely post. Thanks!
Sally F. - Philadelphia
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Thank you for printing this. It is simple, to the point, and very helpful.
Barbara Kaetzel-Row - Bedford PA
Saturday, September 5, 2020