Housekeeping: Changes To Our Databases and Electronic Resources

By Jamie W. RSS Tue, July 8, 2014

Some light housekeeping today as a new fiscal year has just begun and we’ve made a few changes to our collection of electronic resources.

First, based on feedback from the librarians in our Newspaper Department at the Parkway Central Library, we’ve canceled our subscription to Associations Unlimited and added National Newspaper Index in its place.  This change is already in effect on our database page.

Similarly, in consultation with the librarians in our Art and Music Departments at the Parkway Central Library, we have canceled our subscription to Oxford Art Online database. However, we will continue our subscription to Oxford Music Online. 

We’re always working to tailor and refine our resources to best meet your needs. 

Please use the comments below or contact us  to let us know how you feel about these changes or other electronic resources you would like to see offered through the Free Library. 

Have a question for Free Library staff? Please submit it to our Ask a Librarian page and receive a response within two business days.

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It's pathetic that the Free Library which has a multi million dollar budget can't make this authoritative reference available to the community.
Jim Davis
Friday, August 8, 2014

We are sorry that we are unable to continue to provide Oxford Art Online. We experienced a 50% cut in our materials budget about four years ago. Although we had a small increase in our materials budget this year, we must constantly look at the usage of all of our materials and electronic resources when weighing budget decisions. This resource was infrequently used and becoming increasingly expensive. If costs come down, or our materials budget increases, we will certainly review the decision.
Lynn W. - Philadelphia
Friday, August 8, 2014

Thanks for this update
kacy -
Monday, May 29, 2017