VuFind, the Library's New Online Catalog!

By Peter SM RSS Fri, February 15, 2013

We are excited to present VuFind, the newest version of our online catalog, starting on Wednesday, February 20th!

We've been running VuFind in beta since early last year, so some of you may already be familiar with it. But whether you have used it before or will be using it for the first time, below are some of the new and exciting features of our new online catalog.

New Features:

Your Library Account
This new online catalog is fully integrated with your library account. Once you log in, you’ll be able to see and manage your Profile Information, Checkouts, Holds, Fines, and Favorites. You’ll be able to stay logged in until you choose to log out, no more having to repeatedly login to place holds or access your account, even if you open different browser windows or tabs. Your login session lasts for one hour unless you manually logout before the hour expires.
VuFind My Profile Account


Improved Search Results
After you enter your search criteria, you will be able to narrow down your search results by clicking on filters such as Format, Branch, Author, Language, Genre, Era, Region, Year of Publication, and even see more Suggested Topics within your search parameters in the left sidebar. There is also a very robust and precise Advancd Search feature available with numerous useful search values that can be used for very accurate searches.   
VuFind Improved Search


Browsing Our Catalog
You can now easily browse all items from a particular Branch, Author, Topic, Genre, Region, Era or patron generated Tags!
There is also now a New Items link that will allow you to browse all the newest titles that have been added to our catalog with a date indicating the latest catalog update.
VuFind Browsing Our Catalog


Viewing Search History
Once logged into your account, a record of your Search History for that login session will be available that you can then go back and view and refine or save the search to access it at a later date. Once you logout of your session, your Search History will be purged. You also have the option to purge your Search History at anytime while you are still logged into your account by clicking on the "Purge my unsaved searches" link. Your Search History is viewable only by you when you are logged into your account and is not public. You can also email your search histories to yourself or to others if you so choose.
VuFind View Search History


Save and Share
You can bookmark or send links to items in our catalog, with links that never expire. Email items or whole searches to yourself, send them as text messages, or build RSS feeds. Use Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ to tell your friends what you’re reading, listening to or watching now.   
VuFind Save and Share


Create Favorites
When logged into your library account, you can search the catalog and save any items of interest as Favorites. Your Favorites will be private – only you can view them – and you can set up as many as you want or need. Add private notes to the items you’ve saved. Keep a list of what you’ve already read, or what you want to read next.   
VuFind Favorites


Add Tags
While logged in, you can add Tags to any catalog item. Anyone can search or browse the Tags that have been added to catalog items. Tag our Victorian-era books as “steampunk”, tag a 50's horror dvd as "Cheesy B Movie" or tag all the mp3's by your favorite musician or band as “Garage Rock” and make selections easier and more fun to find!
VuFind Add Tags


Add Comments
Have something to say? You only need to login with your library account and you can add comments on any library materials in our catalog.
VuFind Add Comments


Goodreads Reviews
Read reviews and recommendations from Goodreads users for books you find in our catalog.


As with any new web feature on our site, we welcome your feedback. You can comment on this blog post or send us your comments directly. We will gather your suggestions, make adjustments, and fix any bugs that turn up.

We think you will really enjoy all the features of our new online catalog!

Have a question for Free Library staff? Please submit it to our Ask a Librarian page and receive a response within two business days.

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Add a Comment to VuFind, the Library's New Online Catalog!

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I use Chrome browser. Since your change to new online catalog, it is not auto filling my account # as it did on the old system. This is an unnecessary inconvenience. Is there anything I can do to add that?
Rande - Fox Chase
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hi Rande, I have forwarded on your comment to our web developers and they are looking into fixing the issue. Peter SM
Peter SM - Free Library
Monday, February 25, 2013

This is amazing! adding it to google+ and good reads as well as addig book covers to MyAccount of checkouts and allowing for longer log in: i LOVE it. This is a much needed upgraded and barring any mishaps it is a wonderful major step in the right direction
Alexandra - Philadelphia
Monday, February 25, 2013

RE: Chrome browser auto complete We've made a change that should fix this issue.
Peter SM - Free Library
Thursday, February 28, 2013

I am a reader of digital books on an iPAD, and frequently use your library. Normally I select and download books directly using the iPAD and the Overdrive app. That app is restricted to digital books, so perhaps that's the reason it is much easier to use than using my Computer. With a computer, I find having to select an individual book before discovering its availability, number of library copies, persons waiting, etc. very clumsy and time consuming. It would be very nice to be able to select books for download via computer, and I am hopeful for a future simplification of that option.
Dave - Florida
Saturday, March 2, 2013

How you renew items online with the new system.
Saturday, March 9, 2013

To renew items online, click the "My Account" link and login to your account. Next, click the check-box before each item you want to renew. Click "Renew Items" and the new due date will appear. If you need further assistance, you can contact a librarian here:
Peter SM - Free Library
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Is there any way to preset PCI as the branch where I can pick up my holds? It would be nice not to have to scan down the list to P each time I place a hold.
Sharon - Phila
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Unfortunately, that functionality doesn't currently exist but thanks for the suggestion. We will see if we can add that feature to a future VuFind update.
Peter SM - Free Library
Monday, April 22, 2013

Suggestion--add a way for people to suggest changes for a book entry. For example, if I know a book is from a certain series but it doesn't have a category, I could write some sort of special comment on the page to let a librarian know the correct series for the title. I know there are comments already but do librarians read those?
a - Germantown
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Yes, we do look at comments entered by our customers, so please feel free to leave a comment : D Also, the "tag" feature is actually probably best for the example you are stating. If a book is part of a series, enter a "tag" for the series name. Anyone browsing through the catalog for that book can now search by the tag you have entered!
Peter SM - Free Library
Monday, May 13, 2013

I would like to be able to limit my search to Large Print only editions.
Sandy Guydon - Roxborough
Friday, May 31, 2013

I searched for an article like this, and luckily found here.
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