Luis Carlos Montalván | Until Tuesday

Recorded Apr 10, 2012
Direct Download: 20120410-luiscar.mp3

For his two tours of duty in Iraq, writer and former U.S. Army Captain Luis Carlos Montalván earned the Combat Action Badge, two Bronze stars and the Purple Heart.  After returning home, the pressures of physical wounds, traumatic brain injury, and PTSD came down heavily on him, causing isolation from the ones he loved. Alienated and in extreme physical pain, he doubted an ultimate recovery--until he met a sensitive golden retriever, Tuesday, a service dog who’d also suffered and was unable to trust. Until Tuesday tells their moving story of salvation, spiritual restoration, and love. A graduate of Columbia University, Luis Carlos Montalván has been published in the New York Times, The Washington Post, The San Francisco Chronicle and featured on networks such as NPR, CNN, and BBC. 


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