Amitav Ghosh with Shashi Tharoor

Recorded Mar 21, 2002
Direct Download: 20020321-amitavg.mp3
Amitav Ghosh, one of the best known Indians writing in English today. A story of love and war, The Glass Palace begins with the shattering of the Burmese kingdom and the birth of a great and passionate love. It goes on to tell the story of a people and a family through three generations of Indian history. Ghosh's books include The Circle of Reason, and In An Antique Land. He will read from The Glass Place. Diplomat, writer and champion of Indian culture, Shashi Tharoor has worked for the United Nations since 1978. Currently, the Director of Communications and Special Projects in the Office of the Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, Tharoor is the author of numerous articles, stories and novels including The Great Indian Novel, winner of the Commonwealth Writers' Prize. He will read from his latest book, Riot.

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