Kevin Phillips | American Dynasty

Recorded Jan 27, 2004
Direct Download: 20040127-kevinph.mp3
Considered one of America's leading political analysts, Kevin Phillips leapt to public attention with the 1968 publication of his groundbreaking work The Emerging Republican Majority. The book correctly predicted the shift from liberalism to conservatism that took place beginning with Nixon's reelection in 1972. Publisher of The American Political Report and a regular commentator for NPR, Phillips is the author of numerous, politically defining best-sellers including The Politics of Rich and Poor, The Cousins' War and Wealth and Democracy.

In his new book, American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush, Phillips reveals how four generations of Bushes have ascended the ladder of national power, solidifying their place in the American establishment.

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