Amos Oz | Scenes from Village Life

Recorded Oct 28, 2011
Direct Download: 20111028-amosozs.mp3

Israel's best-known novelist Amos Oz is the author of nearly 30 works, including My Michael, the novel that made him an international sensation in 1968, and his critically acclaimed autobiography A Tale of Love and Darkness. He was born in Jerusalem and lived on a kibbutz for over 30 years. Awarded the Israel Prize and the Frankfurt Peace Prize, he roots his writing in the tempestuous history of his homeland. "Eloquent, humane, even religious in the deepest sense, [Oz] emerges as a kind of Zionist Orwell: a complex man obsessed with simple decency and determined above all to tell the truth, regardless of whom it offends" (Newsweek).His new novel-in-stories, Scenes from Village Life portrays the fictional town of Tel Ilan in a disquieting allegory for Israel and for all of us.



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