Jerry Blavat | You Only Rock Once: My Life in Music

Recorded Aug 1, 2011
Direct Download: 20110801-jerrybl.mp3

He started as Jerry Blavat, a half-Jewish, half-Italian kid from South Philadelphia. These days, he’s better known as The Geator with the Heater, The Boss with the Hot Sauce.  After 50 years in the music business, the man former Governor Ed Rendell declared “as Philadelphia as the cheesesteak” is still going strong.  His life in show business began at the age of 13 as a dancer on Bandstand.  He brought rock n’ roll to Philadelphia in the 1960s and keeps it here to this day.  His new biography details his life rubbing elbows with stars and mobsters and bringing The Music to the people.  

Interviewed by Tom Moon, former music critic for The Inquirer and author of 1,000 Recordings to Hear Before You Die.

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