Bruce Cumings | The Korean War with Chang-rae Lee | The Surrendered

Recorded Mar 29, 2011
Direct Download: 20110329-brucecu.mp3

The year 2010 marked the sixtieth anniversary of the start of the Korean War. Called a "sobering corrective" by a reviewer for the New York Times, Bruce Cumings's book takes a fresh look at the often unjustly ignored conflict. Characterizing its beginning as a civil war in which America should not have intervened, Cumings exposes the atrocities committed by all sides during combat. He is chair of the history department at the University of Chicago, author of The Origins of the Korean War, and winner of the Kim Dae Jung Prize for Scholarly Contributions to Democracy, Human Rights, and Peace.

Native Speaker, Chang-rae Lee's widely acclaimed debut novel, explored the alienation that modern-day immigrants face—from both American culture and the cultures they leave behind. The book won several awards, including the Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award for first fiction. Lee went on to write the novel A Gesture Life and the bestseller Aloft. In his new book, "Lee writes with such intimate knowledge of his characters' inner lives and such an understanding of the echoing fallout of war that most readers… will be swept up in the power of The Surrendered and its characters' aching and indelible stories." (New York Times)


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