David Brooks | The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Achievement

Recorded Mar 15, 2011
Direct Download: 20110315-davidbr.mp3

An op-ed columnist for the New York Times since 2003, David Brooks has been a senior editor at The Weekly Standard and a contributing editor at Newsweek and The Atlantic Monthly; he is also a weekly commentator on NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. Described as a "clever and insightful inspector of the American scene" by the Wall Street Journal, Brooks is the author of the bestseller Bobos in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There and On Paradise Drive: How We Live Now (And Always Have) in the Future Tense. In The Social Animal, Brooks looks at what leads to human achievement and personal fulfillment at different stages of life, and he illustrates how our decisions are affected by our unconscious minds and the environments we inhabit.

Pine Tree Foundation Endowed Lecture



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