Little Jimmy Scott | Faith in Time: The Life of Jimmy Scott (co-author David Ritz)

Recorded Oct 5, 2002
Direct Download: 20021005-littlej.mp3

From the Archive:

At 77 years old, "Little" Jimmy Scott is perhaps our greatest and most beloved living jazz singer. Known for his unusual alto voice and haunting, emotional interpretations, Scott's newest album, Over the Rainbow (2001), has brought his career as a musician back into the limelight. After this appearance at the Free Library, Mr. Scott will return to New York City to finish his performance run at Birdland.

David Ritz, an award-winning author, is noted for his previous autobiographical collaborations with Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, Etta James, B.B. King, and Smokey Robinson. He is the winner of four Gleason Awards and also co-wrote the lyrics to Marvin Gaye's 1982 hit, "Sexual Healing."

Interviewed by Jeff Duperon

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