Etgar Keret & Rivka Galchen

Recorded Oct 23, 2008
Explicit Content
Direct Download: 20081023-etgarke.mp3
(This recording contains explicit content.)

Etgar Keret | The Girl on the Fridge: Stories

Israeli author, journalist, and filmmaker Etgar Keret directed the acclaimed film Jellyfish, winner of the 2007 Camera d’Or Award at the Cannes Film Festival, and is the author of several bestselling collections of edgy short stories, including The Bus Driver Who Wanted to be God and The Nimrod Flipout. Known for his work in flash fiction, Keret’s odd tales unfold in lean everyday language. The Girl on the Fridge is a collection of newly published gems that the New York Times finds “both whimsical and deeply serious.”

Rivka Galchen | Atmospheric Disturbances

Atmospheric Disturbances is “a brainy, whimsical, emotionally contained first novel by a young M.D. turned M.F.A.,” writes Liesl Schillinger in the cover review of the New York Times Book Review, comparing Rivka Galchen’s inventive narrative technique to literary giants like Franz Kafka, Thomas Pynchon, and Jorge Luis Borges. In Atmospheric Disturbances, Galchen tells the story of a psychiatrist who is convinced that his wife has been replaced by a doppelganger.

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