Neil King Jr. | American Ramble: A Walk of Memory and Renewal

Recorded Apr 18, 2023
Direct Download: 20230418-neilkin.mp3

In conversation with Signe Wilkinson

A Wall Street Journal correspondent for two decades, Neil King Jr. reported from more than 50 countries, served as the newspaper’s chief diplomatic correspondent, national political reporter, and global economics editor in Washington, D.C., and was part of a Wall Street Journal team that earned a Pulitzer Prize for its 9/11 coverage. He formerly wrote for the Tampa Tribune and the Prague Post, and he is the founder and editor of Gotham Canoe, an online journal dedicated to exploring nature and nearby wildernesses. Inspired by his search for meaning amidst the nation’s increasing political and social divides as well as by his own long battle with cancer, American Ramble follows King’s revelatory 26-day walk from Washington, D.C., through Philadelphia and its surrounding environment, to New York’s Central Park. 

Signe Wilkinson is a widely syndicated cartoonist and the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning. Formerly based at The Philadelphia Inquirer, she is the recipient of three Overseas Press Club Awards. With Jonathan Zimmerman, she co-authored the book Free Speech: And Why You Should Give a Damn.

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