Tamara Payne | The Dead Are Arising: The Life of Malcolm X

Recorded Nov 12, 2020
Direct Download: 20201112-tamarap.mp3

In conversation with Sarah Glover, veteran journalist and past president of the National Association of Black Journalists.  

In 1990, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Les Payne set out on a nearly 30-year crusade to write the most comprehensive biography of Malcolm X ever attempted. Through painstaking research and exhaustive interviews with anyone he could find who knew the human rights activist, he sought to separate fact from fiction in order to offer a revelatory and wholly new portrait of this uniquely American icon. A former editor at Newsday, syndicated columnist, and a founder of the National Association of Black Journalists, Payne passed away in 2018 before completing his opus. His daughter and principal researcher Tamara Payne completed the work, which won the 2020 National Book Award for non-fiction.

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