Erica Armstrong Dunbar | She Came to Slay: The Life and Times of Harriet Tubman

Recorded Nov 5, 2019
Direct Download: 20191105-ericaar.mp3

In conversation with Lorene Cary, author of Black Ice, The Price of a Child, Ladysitting and the forthcoming Arden Theatre production of My General Tubman

Erica Armstrong Dunbar is the author of the National Book Award finalist Never Caught, the story of Ona Judge, a young enslaved person who risked her life to escape servitude under President George Washington. Named the National Director of the Association of Black Women Historians and the first director of the Program in African American History at the Library Company of Philadelphia, she is the Charles and Mary Beard Professor of History at Rutgers University. Dunbar’s latest book is a biography of the runaway enslaved person, abolitionist, Civil War heroine, conductor of the Underground Railroad, and women’s suffragist known admiringly as “Moses.”


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