Gary Greenberg | The Book of Woe: The DSM and the Unmaking of Psychiatry

Recorded Jul 11, 2013
Direct Download: 20130711-garygre.mp3

A practicing psychotherapist and science writer, Gary Greenberg probes the intersection of science, politics, and ethics. His book Manufacturing Depression, called “probably the most thoughtful book on depression ever written” (Psychology Today), is an investigation into ideas about suffering, its source, and its relief. Greenberg’s other books include The Self on the Shelf: Recovery Books and the Good Life and The Noble Lie: When Scientists Give the Right Answers for the Wrong Reason. His articles appear in many academic and popular publications, including Wired, Rolling Stone, and Mother Jones. His new book is an exposé of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders—the psychiatric profession’s bible—and the flawed process by which mental disorders are invented. 

In conversation with Julia M. Klein, contributing editor at Columbia Journalism Review.

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