Tagged Self Help

What's Your New Year's Resolution for 2023?

We're about to embark on a new year, and even if you're not a New Year's Resolution person, you might view this time of year - and the turning of the calendar - as a chance to evaluate goals for the next 12…

Join Us in Joyful Acts of Mindfulness: In Joy, Take Care

The ongoing pandemic has elevated stress levels, anxiety, uncertainty, depression, and loneliness within our communities. So what if we took a moment to reflect on self-care? Members of the Culinary Literacy Center 's Healthy…

Baking with Becca: Cooking Outside the Box

Baking with Becca began at Whitman Library , nestled between 2nd and 3rd Streets on Snyder Avenue in South Philly. When COVID hit, we had to take a long break. I continued to grow and learn to strengthen this class and to steel myself…

How to Spark Your Creativity

Inspiration comes with a few simple elements. For example, being in a quiet room might trigger your creative mind with a new flow of ideas. Each one of us has a different approach. Maybe you like to paint, saw, quilt or just walk.…

New Year's Resolutions: Moving Forward by Taking a Step Back in 2021

What can I say about 2020 that hasn’t already been said? The Coronavirus pandemic completely turned the world upside-down and forced many of us to hunker down in our households, work from home, and greatly alter the way we travel…

Fight Procrastination Day!

I waited until the last possible minute to write this blog. I’m not joking. When I took on the assignment, I made a joke about how ironic it would be to turn in a blog about procrastination, late. Well, it’s not late, but…

Let the Free Library Help You Grow During Self-Improvement Month!

September is Self-Improvement Month , and if you’ve been thinking about taking steps to become your best self, now is the time. Let the Free Library – and your library card , of course – help you meet your goals! Learn…

Simplify Your Life with a Little Help from the Free Library!

It's officially National Simplify Your Life Week , and I'm sure we can all use some tips to make our lives simpler all year round! When I reflect on how to simply my life, I think about the things that make me happy and how I…

How the Free Library Can Help During Self-Improvement Month

We at the Free Library love celebrating monthly themes, especially when they tie in to our resources! September – in addition to being National Library Card Sign-Up Month – is Self-Improvement Month, and it got us thinking…